SPARKS Pannu Hall is progressing: three proposals selected
SPARKS Pannu Hall is progressing: three proposals selected
The search for a new generation of dancemakers for the Pannu Hall has ended and the three work proposals leading to the premiere in 2022–23 have been selected.
The search for a new generation of dancemakers for the Pannu Hall has ended and the three work proposals leading to the premiere in 2022–23 have been selected.
A young generation of Finnish or Finnish-based dancemakers took part in the search. The submitted proposals came from different dance practices and traditions. The applicants were also expected to have a rigorous and contemporary approach to performance. The applications were evaluated by Mikael Aaltonen, Program Manager of the Dance House Helsinki, Faith Tan, and Pia Krämer, who all have been in the SPARKS Project from the beginning.
Selected artists and groups are
Outi Markkula and working group
The work proposal represents a new generation of contemporary folk dance and music. It focuses on the wider Nordic debate on traditions and their change in our time.
Mikko Hyvönen and the working group
The work proposal is based on a dream of a cosmic community. It deals with working together from different perspectives, including in relation to the audience.
Marika Peura, Kaisa Nieminen and working group
The work proposal deals with the relationship of the authors to the different approaches of street dance and, on the other hand, the relationship of these approaches to western contemporary dance. It also approaches the important issues of our time related to identity and community.
The three selected work proposals will be seen in the Dance House Helsinki program in 2022–23. The productions will be offered rehearsal time in the Studio of the Dance House Helsinki and on the Pannu Hall before the premiere.
The SPARKS programme is a new artistic development project funded by Finnish Cultural Foundation and Dance House Helsinki to support artists in Finland who desire to create new large scale works.