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Carl Knif Company & Tsuumi Dance Theatre: Fugue in Two Colors & Buoy

  • 3 performances


  • Duration

    2 h 15 min (intermission)

  • Venue

    Pannu Hall

  • Tickets

    42–21 €

  • Show times

    Wed 13.12. at 7 PM

    Thu 14.12. at 7 PM

    Fri 15.12. at 7 PM

    The discussion with the artists on Thu 14th at Pannu hall after the performance.

  • Duration 2h 15min (intermission)

Carl Knif Company’s Fugue in Two Colors and Tsuumi Dance Theatre’s Poiju return to the stage during a joint evening that celebrates the intersections between music and dance.

Fugue in Two Colors

A study of the ancient relationship between music and dance.

Based on choreographic scores created with Carl Knif’s methods of improvisation, Fugue in Two Colors (2020) explores the expressive power of movement in relation to the strict musical forms of Dmitri Shostakovich, whose preludes and fugues are juxtaposed with the rambling movements of the dancers.

“In­ter­nal­ly flaw­less and comp­le­te­ly cont­rol­led in terms of its at­mosp­he­re, mo­ve­ment and st­ruc­tu­re. Enig­ma­tic but lo­gi­cal in its own world, Fu­gue in Two Colors is a ra­re com­bi­na­tion of ext­re­me cool­ness and to­tal wild­ness.”
– Henna Raatikainen, Liikekieli.com

Carl Knif Company has risen to the forefront of Finnish dance with a blend of contemporary dance and physical theatre, characterised by high­ly re­cog­ni­sab­le nar­ra­ti­ves and vir­tuo­so dan­cing. Carl Knif Company’s goal is to create innovative contemporary dance performances for both Finnish and international stages.


Dance continues when the lyrics end, and movement tells the tale of a universal feeling.

Buoy (2019, Poiju in Finnish) focuses its gaze on the contact points of three different song forms, hymns, old schlagers and folk tunes, and then collides with contemporary dance and modern art concepts. The piety within the hymns can be moved into motion and the stage dance can fly near to the cosmos. In the songs, we sense on one hand a deep longing, and on the other hand a kind of hope, joy and love. Buoy paints a living picture from the very first cry of a human being to their last look.

Tsuumi Dance Theatre is a Helsinki-based professional dance theatre with over 20 years of experience. The company finds its unique strength in exploring folklore and creating new artistic ways to bring it onto the stage. Tsuumi Dance Theatre is a collective of professional dancers, choreographers, and musicians. Tsuumi’s works consists of contemporary dance, Finnish folk dance, theatre, and live music.

The discussion with the artists on Thu 14th at Pannu hall after the performance.

Ticket information

Standard ticket | 42 €
Discount ticket | 21 € Under 25, students, unemployed, civil servants and conscripts. Please be prepared to present a certificate entitling you to a discount.
Pensioners | 38 €
Professional ticket | 21 € Theatre and dance professionals
Group ticket | Minimum 10 persons 32–19 €

Pay What You Can | A small number of "Pay What You Can" tickets are also on sale for the performance. PWYC tickets are available at the Cable Factory's info point, and here. Read more about Pay What You Can tickets and other ticket information.

Fugue in Two Colors


Carl Knif


Jon­na Aal­to­nen, Olli Lautiola, Pek­ka Lou­hio, Anna Stenberg, Terhi Vaimala, Ee­ro Ves­te­ri­nen

Set and light design

William Iles

Sound design

Janne Hast

Costume design

Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila


Yoshi Omori


Carl Knif Com­pa­ny & Helsinki City Theatre


Choreography and direction

Ari Numminen

Music and sound design

Petri Tiainen, Työryhmä

Costume design

Kati Autere

Set design

Kati Autere, Janne Teivainen

Lighting design

Janne Teivainen

On stage

Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Tuomas Juntunen, Salla Korja, Mika Juusela, Petri Tiainen


Tsuumi Dance Theatre, KokoTeatteri

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